ios – Getting ITMS-90961 error when importing app to App Retailer with All Measurement app icon

When making an attempt to add my app to the App Retailer, I’m receiving the next error message:

ITMS-90961: Invalid bundle – The app at “” comprises a single-size app icon however has a price of 11.0 for the MinimumOSVersion key in its Information.plist file. Embody all app icon sizes to help iOS 11.0 or later, or replace the iOS Deployment Goal to 12.0 or later to help uploads with a single-size app icon.

I’ve checked my app’s Belongings, and I’ve chosen All Measurement for the AppIcon. Is that this a difficulty with Apple’s system or have I made a mistake in my settings?

Any assist can be enormously appreciated. Thanks!

PS: My Xcode model is 14.3

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