An instance of LLM prompting for programming

Xu Hao makes use of chain of thought and normal information prompting with ChatGPT when writing self-testing code

My account of an inner chat with Xu Hao, the place he reveals how he
drives ChatGPT to provide helpful self-tested code. His preliminary immediate primes
the LLM with an implementation technique (chain of thought prompting). His
immediate additionally asks for an implementation plan quite than code (normal
information prompting). As soon as he has the plan he makes use of it to refine the
implementation and generate helpful sections of code.

Lately I watched a captivating name on Zoom. Xu Hao, Thoughtworks’s
Head of Know-how in China, defined his explorations in utilizing ChatGPT to
assist construct Self Testing Code. He
went by means of the sort of interplay that works for him.

He begins with a immediate that units the context for the applying and the way
he needs the code to be structured.

The present system is a web-based whiteboard system. Tech stack:
typescript, react, redux, konvajs and react-konva. And vitest, react
testing library for mannequin, view mannequin and associated hooks, cypress part
assessments for view.

All codes must be written within the tech stack talked about above.
Necessities must be carried out as react parts within the MVVM
structure sample.

There are 2 varieties
of view mannequin within the system.

1. Shared view mannequin. View mannequin that represents states shared amongst
native and distant customers.

2. Native view mannequin. View mannequin that represents states solely relevant
to native consumer

Listed here are the widespread implementation technique:

1. Shared view mannequin is carried out as Redux retailer slice. Examined in

2. Native view mannequin is carried out as React part props or states(by
useState hook), except for international native view mannequin, which can also be
carried out as Redux retailer slice. Examined in vitest.

3. Hooks are used as the key view helpers to retrieve knowledge from shared
view mannequin. For many the case, it should use ‘createSelector’ and
‘useSelector’ for memorization. Examined in vitest and react testing

4. Don’t dispatch motion immediately to vary the states of shared view
mannequin, use an encapsulated view mannequin interface as an alternative. Within the interface,
every redux motion is mapped to a way. Examined in vitest.

5. View is include konva shapes, and carried out as react part by way of
react-konva. Examined in cypress part assessments 

Listed here are sure patterns must be adopted when implement and check
the part

1. When write check, use `describe` as an alternative of `check`

2. Information-driven assessments are most well-liked.

3. When check the view part, faux view mannequin by way of the view mannequin

Consciousness Layer 


Show different customers’ consciousness information(cursor, identify and on-line
info) on the whiteboard. 

AC1: Don’t show native consumer

AC2: When distant consumer adjustments cursor location, show the change in

Present an total resolution following the steerage talked about above.
Trace, preserve all consciousness info in a Konva layer, and an consciousness
information part to render cursor, and identify. Don’t generate code. Describe
the answer, and breaking the answer down as a activity checklist based mostly on the
steerage talked about above. And we'll refer this activity checklist as our grasp

There’s rather a lot happening with this immediate, so he highlighted a couple of

He is utilizing a generic software instance in right here: one factor to be
cautious of when interacting with ChatGPT and the like is that we must always by no means
put something which may be confidential into the immediate
, as that might be a
safety threat. Enterprise guidelines, any code from an actual undertaking – all these should
not enter the interplay with ChatGPT.

A lot of the immediate is setting out the design tips that he needs
ChatGPT’s generated code to comply with. He refined this by placing prompts into
ChatGPT, wanting on the end result, and crafting the immediate to make it generate
within the model he wished. As soon as he has context working, he can paste it into
each session he has with ChatGPT, and share it with the remainder of the

Xu Hao begins his session by prompting the
ChatGPT LLM with context in addition to the instruction to generate a plan

Although the ultimate objective of this session is to generate code and its
assessments, at this stage he particularly mentioned Don’t generate code.
At this level he needs ChatGPT to stipulate its method earlier than we glance to any
code technology. This can be a immediate method referred to as Generated Information.

A standard method of interacting with an LLM is to provide it an issue and ask
it to generate some remaining product, whether or not than be prose or (on this case)
code. With Generated Information we break up our interplay into separate steps:
first ask the LLM to generate some helpful details about the issue, and
then we feed that info again into the LLM to generate the ultimate

Probably the most fascinating a part of the immediate is the “implementation technique”
part which mixes two types of immediate:

  • Instruction prompting gives directions for the LLM to comply with
  • Chain of Thought prompting encourages the LLM to clarify its

Within the Implementation Technique part, Xu Hao described the specified
structure sample as an anticipated “Chain of Thought directions” for
ChatGPT to comply with. Then he instructed ChatGPT to construct a activity checklist (the
generated information) based mostly on this chain of thought.


To implement the attention layer characteristic, we will comply with the rules talked about in the issue assertion and use the prevailing tech stack.

Process Listing:

  1. Create a brand new part named “AwarenessInfo” to render cursor and identify for distant customers.

  2. Create a brand new Konva layer to carry all of the “AwarenessInfo” parts.

  3. Add the Konva layer to the primary whiteboard part.

  4. Create a brand new Redux slice to retailer the attention info for distant customers.

  5. Create an encapsulated view mannequin interface for the attention Redux slice.

  6. Implement the “AwarenessInfo” part to retrieve and show the attention info for every distant consumer from the view mannequin.

  7. Implement a way within the encapsulated view mannequin interface to replace the attention info for every distant consumer.

  8. When a distant consumer adjustments the cursor location, dispatch the replace technique within the encapsulated view mannequin interface to replace the corresponding consciousness info.

  9. Within the “AwarenessInfo” part, use the brand new location to animate the cursor change.

  10. Write assessments for the brand new “AwarenessInfo” part, together with data-driven assessments to make sure it correctly shows the attention info for all distant customers.

  11. Write assessments for the encapsulated view mannequin interface to make sure it correctly updates the attention info for distant customers.

  12. Write end-to-end Cypress assessments to make sure the attention layer is correctly displayed and up to date when distant customers change their cursor location.

By following these duties, we will implement the attention layer characteristic within the on-line whiteboard system.

The response from ChatGPT is non-deterministic, so this result’s simply
one run. In the event you (or I) put this immediate in once more, we’ll get a distinct response.

The important thing factor of the response is an ordered activity checklist, with numbers for
every step. We will use these numbers to refer to those duties for the remainder of
the session.

The LLM responds with a plan.

Xu Hao can now take a look at the grasp plan and see if it is sensible. If
there are issues with it, he can ask ChatGPT to re-write among the duties
or all the grasp plan by offering extra info.

For instance, the present grasp plan was not grouped by differing types
of parts. One attainable immediate is likely to be:

Rewrite the grasp plan, and group duties as mannequin, view mannequin and think about.

This could possibly be helpful to confirm the alignment between the structure
imaginative and prescient and grasp plan.

These tweaks could possibly be added to the preliminary immediate to get an total
higher response.For this specific immediate, the next instruction was
not within the preliminary immediate, however have been added in later iteration:

4. Don’t dispatch motion immediately to vary the states of shared view
    mannequin, use an encapsulated view mannequin interface as an alternative. Within the interface,
    every redux motion is mapped to a way. Examined in vitest.

As soon as the grasp plan seems affordable, Xu Hao asks to regenerate it with
names for this system components.

Rewrite the grasp plan, this time with detailed part names,
strategies, and props

Certain, this is a revised grasp plan with detailed part names, strategies, and props:

Process Listing:

  1. Create a brand new part named “AwarenessInfo” to render cursor and identify for distant customers. This part will obtain props resembling consumer identify, cursor place, and on-line standing.

  2. Create a brand new Konva layer named “AwarenessLayer” to carry all of the “AwarenessInfo” parts.

  3. Add the “AwarenessLayer” to the primary whiteboard part.

  4. Create a brand new Redux slice named “consciousness” to retailer the attention info for distant customers.

  5. Create an encapsulated view mannequin interface named “AwarenessViewModel” for the “consciousness” Redux slice. This interface will include a way named “updateUserAwarenessInfo” to replace the attention info for every distant consumer.

  6. Implement the “AwarenessInfo” part to retrieve and show the attention info for every distant consumer from the view mannequin. The part will use the “useSelector” hook to retrieve the related info.

  7. Implement the “updateUserAwarenessInfo” technique within the “AwarenessViewModel” interface to dispatch a Redux motion to replace the attention info for every distant consumer. This technique might be referred to as by the “MainWhiteboard” part.

  8. When a distant consumer adjustments the cursor location, dispatch the “updateUserAwarenessInfo” technique within the “AwarenessViewModel” interface to replace the corresponding consciousness info.

  9. Within the “AwarenessInfo” part, use the brand new location to animate the cursor change. This may be achieved utilizing the Konva “Tween” animation.

  10. Write assessments for the brand new “AwarenessInfo” part, together with data-driven assessments to make sure it correctly shows the attention info for all distant customers. The assessments might be written utilizing the React Testing Library.

  11. Write assessments for the encapsulated view mannequin interface to make sure it correctly updates the attention info for distant customers. These assessments will use the Vitest framework.

  12. Write end-to-end Cypress assessments to make sure the attention layer is correctly displayed and up to date when distant customers change their cursor location. The assessments will simulate consumer interactions with the whiteboard and confirm the state of the “AwarenessLayer” and “AwarenessInfo” parts.

At this level, Xu Hao is able to ask ChatGPT to supply code for one in all
the steps

present me instance assessments and implementation for the attention slice
and AwarenessViewModel. Take a look at first.

Certain, let's begin with writing assessments for the attention slice and AwarenessViewModel:

Take a look at for Consciousness Slice:

describe('consciousness slice', () => {
  let retailer: MockStore;
  beforeEach(() => {
    retailer = configureMockStore()(initialState);

  it('ought to set the cursor location', () => {
    retailer.dispatch(setCursorLocation({ x: 100, y: 200 }));
    const state = retailer.getState().consciousness;
    count on(state.cursorLocation).toEqual({ x: 100, y: 200 });

  it('ought to set the identify', () => {
    retailer.dispatch(setName('John Doe'));
    const state = retailer.getState().consciousness;
    count on(state.identify).toBe('John Doe');

  it('ought to set the net standing', () => {
    const state = retailer.getState().consciousness;
    count on(state.isOnline).toBe(true);
Take a look at for AwarenessViewModel:

describe('AwarenessViewModel', () => {
  let retailer: MockStore;
  let awarenessViewModel: AwarenessViewModel;
  beforeEach(() => {
    retailer = configureMockStore()(initialState);
    awarenessViewModel = new AwarenessViewModel(retailer);

  it('ought to set the cursor location', () => {
    awarenessViewModel.setCursorLocation({ x: 100, y: 200 });
    const state = retailer.getState().consciousness;
    count on(state.cursorLocation).toEqual({ x: 100, y: 200 });

  it('ought to set the identify', () => {
    awarenessViewModel.setName('John Doe');
    const state = retailer.getState().consciousness;
    count on(state.identify).toBe('John Doe');

  it('ought to set the net standing', () => {
    const state = retailer.getState().consciousness;
    count on(state.isOnline).toBe(true);
Now, let's implement the Consciousness slice and AwarenessViewModel:

Consciousness slice:

interface AwarenessState {
  cursorLocation: { x: quantity; y: quantity };
  identify: string;
  isOnline: boolean;

const initialState: AwarenessState = {
  cursorLocation: { x: 0, y: 0 },
  identify: '',
  isOnline: false,

const awarenessSlice = createSlice({
  identify: 'consciousness',
  reducers: {
    setCursorLocation: (state, motion: PayloadAction<{ x: quantity; y: quantity }>) => {
      state.cursorLocation = motion.payload;
    setName: (state, motion: PayloadAction) => {
      state.identify = motion.payload;
    setOnline: (state, motion: PayloadAction) => {
      state.isOnline = motion.payload;

export const { setCursorLocation, setName, setOnline } = awarenessSlice.actions;

export default awarenessSlice.reducer;

class AwarenessViewModel {
  personal retailer: Retailer;

  constructor(retailer: Retailer) {
    this.retailer = retailer;

  setCursorLocation(cursorLocation: { x: quantity; y: quantity }) {

  setName(identify: string) {

  setOnline(isOnline: boolean) {

Word: On this implementation, I assumed that the AwarenessViewModel is used to
set the values within the retailer. If additionally it is used to retrieve the values from the
retailer, we will add corresponding strategies to the AwarenessViewModel class

(I’ve eliminated the styling from ChatGPT’s response.)

Total this code is neither unhealthy nor excellent. It will not run because it stands.
It is lacking a configureMockStore and assumes it makes use of
redux-mock-store, which is not a part of the tech stack. Xu Hao can repair these
issues by asking the LLM to progressively tweak the code by means of a
sequence of rewrites. This is one to get rig of redux-mock-store.

rewrite the assessments with out redux-mock-store

Certain, this is an instance implementation of the assessments for the AwarenessViewModel and the attention slice with out utilizing redux-mock-store:

import { createAwarenessSlice, AwarenessState, updateAwareness } from './awarenessSlice'; import { AwarenessViewModel } from './AwarenessViewModel'; describe('AwarenessViewModel', () => { const mockDispatch = jest.fn(); const initialState: AwarenessState = { customers: { 'user1': { identify: 'Consumer 1', cursorPosition: { x: 0, y: 0 }, on-line: true, }, 'user2': { identify: 'Consumer 2', cursorPosition: { x: 100, y: 100 }, on-line: true, }, }, }; let viewModel: AwarenessViewModel; beforeEach(() => { viewModel = new AwarenessViewModel(initialState, mockDispatch); }); describe('getUserNames', () => { it('returns the checklist of consumer names', () => { const names = viewModel.getUserNames(); count on(names).toEqual(['User 1', 'User 2']); }); }); describe('getCursorPosition', () => { it('returns the cursor place for a given consumer ID', () => { const cursorPosition = viewModel.getCursorPosition('user1'); count on(cursorPosition).toEqual({ x: 0, y: 0 }); }); it('returns undefined for an unknown consumer ID', () => { const cursorPosition = viewModel.getCursorPosition('unknown'); count on(cursorPosition).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('updateCursorPosition', () => { it('dispatches the updateAwareness motion with the brand new cursor place', () => { viewModel.updateCursorPosition('user1', { x: 50, y: 50 }); count on(mockDispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(updateAwareness({ consumer: 'user1', cursorPosition: { x: 50, y: 50 }, })); }); }); });

And this is an instance implementation of the awarenessSlice with out utilizing redux-mock-store:

import { createSlice, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; export sort CursorPosition = { x: quantity, y: quantity }; export sort UserAwareness = { identify: string; cursorPosition: CursorPosition; on-line: boolean; }; export sort AwarenessState = { customers: Document<string, UserAwareness>; }; const initialState: AwarenessState = { customers: {}, }; const awarenessSlice = createSlice({ identify: 'consciousness', initialState, reducers: { updateAwareness: (state, motion: PayloadAction<{ consumer: string, cursorPosition: CursorPosition }>) => { const { consumer, cursorPosition } = motion.payload; state.customers[user].cursorPosition = cursorPosition; }, setOnline: (state, motion: PayloadAction<{ consumer: string, on-line: boolean }>) => { const { consumer, on-line } = motion.payload; state.customers[user].on-line = on-line; }, }, }); export const { updateAwareness, setOnline } = awarenessSlice.actions; export const awarenessReducer = awarenessSlice.reducer;

Word that since we’re not utilizing redux-mock-store, we have to go a mock dispatch perform to the view mannequin constructor, and within the check for updateCursorPosition we have to test that the right motion was dispatched utilizing jest.fn().

Additional rewrites can match in additional changes, resembling asking it to
Use `configureTestingStore(‘consciousness’, initialState)` to initialize
the check retailer
can get it to slot in with the group’s check idioms. Then
with some path changes and a small quantity of glue for the reducers, the
code can run simply high quality.

As soon as that is working, Xu Hao can repeat the method for the remainder of the
duties within the grasp plan.

My take away from this dialogue was that utilizing chain of thought and
generated information prompting approaches generally is a considerably useful gizmo
for programming. Particularly it reveals that to make use of LLMs properly, we have to
discover ways to assemble prompts to get one of the best outcomes. This expertise
means that it is helpful to work together with the LLM like a junior associate,
beginning them with architectural tips, asking them to indicate their
reasoning, and tweaking their outputs as we go.

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