I’ve carried out a UIPageControl
as a outlet in my code. Now I need to have the aptitude the place I can navigate to a selected view controller by tapping a dot within the UIPageControl.
To attain this I’ve added an IBAction to the UIPageControl
and within the implementation I am taking the currentPage
to load that particular view controller
-(IBAction)pageControlDotDidTap:(id)sender {
if (![sender isKindOfClass:[UIPageControl class]]) {
NSInteger selectedPage = [(UIPageControl *)sender currentPage];
// obtained the currentPage now I can load the view controller
However the issue is by default UIPageControl strikes 1 web page at a time. Hyperlink: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uipagecontrol#:~:textual content=Thepercent20pagepercent20controlpercent20advancespercent20onlypercent20onepercent20pagepercent20inpercent20eitherpercent20direction.
So after I’m on the rightmost dot, If I clicked on the leftmost dot it solely navigate to the second rightmost dot.
Is it potential to attain that, the dot I am clicking the UIPageControl
will return that dot quantity as an alternative of transferring one a time?